Would You Like Some Syrup With Your Uterus?

My Little Red Book by Rachel Kauder Nalebuff

I am currently reading a really amazing book that I bought as a present for my sister but have yet to give her (oops, hi Kel, hope you’re not reading this!): My Little Red Book.

My Little Red Book is a collection of stories from a whole range of different women about getting their first periods. Since I have always felt I had a pretty memorable first period story myself (but then again, who doesn’t?), I was very excited to read this book and hear others.

I am not even halfway through the book yet, but the other night I read a first period story that I identified with so much I just had to share it. 

Three words: pancake batter uterus. 

Continue reading “Would You Like Some Syrup With Your Uterus?”

Spring Fever

Image Courtesy of ScaredOfBees.com
Image Courtesy of ScaredOfBees.com

First, thanks to Ammre for linking me to the wonderful cephalopod cartoon shown above. I not only love the style of the graphic, but I think the caption is hilarious. 

Second, just a quick update since I have not made a post in awhile:

1) I DID get that red squid necklace that was sold out for my birthday – can you believe it?! Thanks again to Noadi for her great cephalopod designs!

2) I’ve been carrying a folded reusable tote in my purse (which, let’s be honest, could probably function as a reusable tote on it’s own, it’s so big) and using it instead of plastic bags when I shop anywhere.

3) It’s been NICE OUT – which is the main reason I have not been updating Cephaloblog. I’ve got spring fever, which in my neck of the woods can be dangerous, because there is always the threat of a winter storm right up until June.

That being said, I’ve got a bunch of half-finished posts just waiting to be published, so look forward to regular updates for the next few weeks!