Don’t feel like shelling out a mere $2 to score a totally cute, funny and informative comic on eco-friendly solutions for that time of the month? Then win one for free!!!
All you have to do is:
- Comment on this blog post with a one-word reason for why you’re interested in, considering switching to, or are already a user of reusable menstrual products
- Include your age* in your comment
- Include your email**
You have until Saturday, January 23rd to leave your comment on this post. I will then randomly select five valid entries (“valid” in that they include all three of the things mentioned above), contact the winners by email for their shipping addresses, and have a copy of the comic Greenblooded: An Introduction to Eco-Friendly Feminine Hygiene by Cathy Leamy sent to you! (If you win!)
On Sunday, January 24th I’ll post the top ten reasons given by age range, so we can see why women of all ages support reusable options during their periods.
To learn more about Greenblooded, see my review on the comic in last week’s post!
See an example of a valid entry after the jump.
* If you are uncomfortable providing your age, feel free to remain anonymous and not post your name. Your name is not required to enter this contest, although the field is to submit a comment, so simply enter “Anonymous” or “N/A” if you choose not to provide your name.
** Your email address will not be visible to anyone but me, will never be shared, and will only be used to contact you for your shipping address in the event that you win.
Contest ends 01/23/10 at 11:59 PM. is over! Winners will be selected 01/24/10.
trustworthy, 25
Comfort! 21
Life! 20
Laziness, 21.:D
Freedom, 20
D.I.Y! 26
(does that still count as 1 word?)
Comfort! 32.
Morgan, yes, I’ll count it!
Cleaner, 24
Waste, 27
Better! 23
Health, 24
self-reliance, 28
Elizabeth, not only is it okay, I appreciate you doing it! Thanks!!!
Chemicals, 26
Discretion. 28.
(the) environment, 19
Convenience! 20
bullsh*t, 26
comfort, 31
Comfort, 21
I made the switch like many of the fellow commentators due to comfort (27)! About five years ago while reading Inga Musico’s book, Cunt, I came across a listing for a website that made and sold reusable pads. It was something that I didn’t even know existed, they were not exactly explained in health class or in any of the teen mags, so I had always thought that disposables were the only option. Once I received my starter kit in the mail, I instantly fell in love! Unlike the disposables, these have never given me paper burn in the crease of my inner thigh. The savings since I’ve switched and the added feeling of empowerment every time I soak them (giving the water to my plants of course!)are just added bonuses for me!
I´ve been using mooncup for tree years, and i think it was the best choice I´ve done about my period. My second best choice was start using lunapads instead of the classic disposables to use with my cup, and I´m very happy with my situation now. I have a little tumour in my ovary so I suffer big pains, but now I can say they are smaller. I enjoy with the idea of non contaminating way of life thought for women too, and I would like to tell everybody how good and confortable are the green options. Here in Spain they´re giving mooncups to the girls in the secondary school for free, I heard. I think It´s a great initiative. If I have babies in the future, I will use reusable diapers too, It´s de obvious alternative option. And finally, I love comics, so I will enjoy it the double.
understanding, 23
Allergies (28)
Because I respect myself and what I need, but I also respect the planet and what it needs!
Shalom (24)
Loucheena, 14, Wondrous!
Creative! 25
Sustainability, 19
Empowering! 23
(Oops, sorry. My age is 25.)
Safe, 14
Cost, 27
(the Organic Revolution)
(the Organic Revolution)
Annie, 21
~Victoria, 23
Conviction, to better care for myself and the enviroment.
thanks lots, I must say your blog is excellent!
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