Damn, I wish I had seen this cake before my Earthday-birthday last month, so I could have demanded it from my aspiring cake artist sister! I love that it’s fondant covered and very giant-squid-colored (aka red?). Now you’ve got a year head start, Kel!
And as a side note, I am totally overwhelmed by the amazing response to the Lunapads Contest Giveaway! I am so glad that I’m able to offer a little something to everyone who entered, because all of the comments are so great, you ALL deserve a prize.
You’ve got until the end of the month, so keep ’em coming – and tell all your mothers, sisters, daughters and girlfriends to come on over and enter too! Share the Lunapad love!
Wow, that cake is super rad! And also super rad is how many comments the Lunapads Giveaway is getting – as the Lunagal who helped Ariel make it happen it’s amazing to see such a response. Can’t wait to see who the winner is~ And thanks again Ariel for your support!
Thanks Sandra, for allowing me to offer such a great thing to so many women! I really love reading all of the comments… I might even need some Lunahelp picking the best one!!!